Samhain Ritual Announcement

Hello Friends,

The Wiccan Church of Minnesota Samhain Ritual will be held on October 28, 2017 at 7 p.m. sharp per usual.  Please arrive a half hour before hand.

This will be a fairly representative McFarland Dianic-style Samhain ritual.

I encourage all attendees to honor their beloved dead with the food they bring for feasting, such as: something that one of your beloved dead particularly enjoyed, OR something made with apples, OR a food that is made with red ingredients.
There will be an Ancestors’ altar. Everyone is welcome to bring photos of their beloved dead.
Gather at 6:30
Ritual at 7
Potluck Ancestors’ Feast to follow

Living Table Church

3805 E 40th St, Minneapolis, MN 55406

If you have questions please direct them to [email protected]