[Originally from “Carmina Gadelica,” 1900, collected and edited by Alexander Carmichael. Adaptations made to account for Christian bias of the author’s time and for subsequent research. Original at https://archive.org/stream/carminagadelicah03carm#page/n215/mode/2up Adaptation at http://www.brigidsflame.com/brigidpoems.html ] The genealogy of the holy maiden Brigit, Radiant arrow of flame,…

Moot to be held January 27th

The next moot (business meeting) of the Wiccan Church of Minnesota will be held on Sunday, January 27th from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the Living Table Church. Click Here for details

Imbolc—the Blessing of the Tools

Late Winter is the time when we gather our tools and recharge them so they may serve us well in the coming year. On Saturday February 2nd, 2019 the Wiccan Church of Minnesota will present Imbolc at Living Table Church at 38th Ave and…