Oh No, More Snow

“And if the groundhog sees his shadow, we get six more weeks of winter.” It’s a cruel joke. The groundhog comes out at Imbolc, and doesn’t care about his shadow. Ostara is still… wait, how long after Imbolc? But we want the groundhog to…

RSS has come to WiCoM!

RSS has come to WiCoM! Check out our new Wiccan RSS Feed page for an aggregation of the latest posts from a number of different Wiccan websites! And also, if you check the side bar on our website, you will see that WiCoM is…

Why do we do what we do?

How do you do ritual? How do you walk your path? There’s a lot of variation among traditions. There’s no single right way to be a witch. There are some less-than-totally-advisable ways, and what many of them have in common is incomplete mindfulness. My…


The first rule of cauldrons is… keep on stirring. It’s Imbolc, the coldest cross-quarter of the year. Tonight might be the coldest night this winter. And yet…life is stirring beneath the snow. In five or six weeks the tulips will start stabbing upward out…