Beltane Celebration

The May Queen, Greenman, and Fool invite the members of the Wiccan Church of Minnesota and their vouched for guests to attend WiCoM’s Beltane.  Sorry, this Ritual is not open to the public.  If members would like guests to attend, they need to be approved by the May Queen, Greenman, or the Fool before the start of Ritual.

There will be the traditional Beltane Lottery and more…  Please bring one to three feet of ribbon, flowers for decorations, and a pot luck dish to share.

The treasurer will be on hand to take the dues of any members that have lapsed.  You must be dues paid prior to the start of Ritual if you wish to stand for the lottery.

We hope to see you all there.  Blessed Beltane!

Moot to be Held Feb 26

The next moot (business meeting) of the Wiccan Church of Minnesota will be held on Sunday, February 26th from noon to 2 p.m.  

Roseville Library

2180 Hamline Ave N

Roseville, MN 55113

Known agenda items:

Treasurer wishes to discuss items that came up during audit

Update on cataloging of library

Renewed request for volunteer to take over webmaster duties

Renewing contract with Living Table for next year’s rituals

Imbolc – The Musical!

The Coven of Misfit Toys announces – Imbolc: The Musical

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

Gather at 6:30 Ritual to begin at 7:00 P.M.

Living Table Church, UCC

4001 38th Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55406

In the spirit of Brighid, and Her aspects of poetry and inspiration, The Coven of Misfit
Toys invites you to enjoy a new take on old tradition. In true Celtic style this ritual embodies the spirt of Fire in the Head creativity and embraces the directive of mirth and reverence in equal part.

If we have piqued your interest please arrive at the appointed hour and bring the following:

Tools you wish to bless for the year
A sense of play
Feast food/drink to share

The Coven of Misfit Toys is also sponsoring a Tool, Garb, and Accoutrement Exchange as a fundraiser for the Wiccan Church of Minnesota.    The exchange will happen following the ritual.  See separate Post for details.

Tool, Garb, and Accoutrement Exchange

The Coven of Misfit announces a Tool, Garb, and Accoutrement Exchange as a fundraiser for the Wiccan Church of Minnesota.

Got stuff that needs a new home? Need stuff and don’t know where to find it? It’s like a stuff dating extravaganza!

Saturday, January 28th, 2017

8 to 9 P.M. (following the Imbolc Ritual)

You needn’t have attended the ritual to participate in the exchange.

Living Table Church, UCC

4001 38th Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55406


How it works:
$5 donation* allows you to
Bring your items to exchange
Take donated items
(Or both)

All ritual, garb, or Craft items are welcome. You may bring as many items as you like. You may take as many items as you like. You do not need to bring items in order take items, and vice versa, However,

*post ritual clean up work exchange is available for any participant who is unable to pay the suggested donation amount

WiCoM Yule Celebration Cancelled Due to Bad Weather

The Ritualists, Green Man, May Queen, and the Executive Committee have decided to cancel the Yule celebration in the interests of safety.  With the impending heavy snow fall and below zero temperatures it seems wiser for everyone to avoid travel.

Everyone at WiCoM wishes you all a Blessed, and safe, Yule!

WiCoM Yule Celebration

You are cordially invited to WiCoM’s Yule Celebration

Presented by The Coven of the Standing Stones

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

Gather at 6:30 Ritual to begin at 7 p.m.

Jovial Potluck Feast to Follow

Living Table Church, UCC

3805 E 40th St, Minneapolis, MN 55406

Congratulations to the New Elders’ Rep!

Let it be known that Shelly has been recognized as an Elder of the church.

Shelly hit the ground running by stepping up to the challenge of being Elders’ Representative.  She was elected today by unanimous decision.  Congratulations, Shelly!  We thank you in advance for your service.

Slow down and reflect with family

Greetings WiCoM members!
Blessed Samhain. I hope you all had a great year. As Fall rolls on, and Winter draws near, we
feel its breath beginning to chill our skin. We ignite our furnaces, the hearth fires of today, and
keep our kin warm. We pull in our final harvest and begin hunkering down for the cold months to come.  Where traditionally this was a time of silence and a time  to reflect, in today’s world we don’t stop. We don’t slow down and take that time to rest. We don’t have the long months of seclusion with our families. I encourage you to take time to slow down. Talk with family. Your spouse or SO, your children, your brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, anyone related to you. Bury hatchets and remember your roots. Connect. Live. Life is too short for bullshit. Be happy my people.

-The Green Man

The Time of Turning In

The wheel turns and we begin a new year in a glorious riot of color
here in beautiful Minnesota. I have not seen colors this brilliant in
many years, and have enjoyed being out in the sunshine and the
cooler weather. I finally had to turn the furnace on the other morning
as Winter slowly creeps ever forward…
Now is the time of the last harvest. Now is the time when everything
around us dies. Now is the time of hibernation. Now is the time of
the deepening dark. Now is the time of turning in… The turning in
happens in many ways for us – we turn into our homes more than
the outside and concentrate on those things that can get done in the
colder weather – the baking, canning, home improvement projects, getting ready for holiday
time, reading. We spend more time inside with our families, and our pets. It is a time to slow
down a bit, and have some projects lined up you can do with family and friends.
I have my winter list of reading and several quilt projects lined up, and have some time for self
reflection as I sit wrapped in a quilt cuddling with kitties. How are you planning on spending
your turning in time? Take stock of your projects for the winter. What books are you planning
to read? What part of your spiritual path will you now have a little more time to develop? Have
you planned out some time to spend with friends and family?
This time of turning in for many is a good opportunity to meditate, commune with deity in the
quiet, and perhaps gain some insight into where you are headed on
your path. Enjoy your harvest, sleep in when you can, do a little candle
scrying, spend some time in the dark and the silence.
Blessed Be

Public Samhain Ritual

Adrastos Coven would like to invite you to celebrate Samhain with the Wiccan Chuorrch of Minnesota.  While open to the public, this is not a Ritual for children.  We will be traveling down to Hades’ realm, passing through the seven gates, and crossing the seven rivers to meet our departed family and friends.  You will need to bring two coins with you for the ferryman.  There will be a place in Ritual to call out the names of your dead who you wish to remember.  Call out to them loud as the realm of Hades is vast.  There will be an ancestor table so please bring pictures or items of significance for your loved ones who have crossed the veil.  After Ritual, there will be a pot luck feast with community.

Things to bring…

Two coins for the ferryman

Names of the dead whom you wish to remember (These do NOT need to be written down, but only carried in your heart and head.)

Pictures or items of remembrance for the ancestor table

Potluck dish to share



Saturday, October 29th

Gather at 6:30 Ritual to start at 7 p.m.

Living Table Church

3805 East 40th Street
Minneapolis, MN  55406