2021 Samhain – Honoring the Ancestors

Samhain is the time of year when we honor those who have gone on to the Summerlands. This year, we have had covid present to help that process along. WiCoM lost Rev. Qwill, a longtime member, a founding member, Green Man several times and a treasured resource. He will be missed.

To honor the Ancestors, make a meal, preferably something somewhat fancy and celebratory. Have a second plate, and put small potions there, for the Ancestors. Light a candle, and eat the meal with intent.  Savor the flavors. Chew slowly and get the most out of your food. As you eat, contemplate the Ancestors, both those who have died in the past year, and others who have gone before. Treasure the beloved dead, remember all they meant to you and how they changed your life. Thank them for their contributions.

As you finish, thank the Ancestors by name and remember specific people who made an impact in your life. Extinguish the candle, and clean up. Put the Ancestors portion outside to feed the small creatures, who are also the children of the Goddess. Blessed Be.