2021 Samhain – Traversing the Labyrinth—A Samhain Meditation

Samhain is the time of the year when the veil between the worlds is thinnest. Here is a meditation exercise that may allow you to travel to the other realm. If you perform this meditation with intent, you may divine the future, explore the past or see what is hidden.

First, find a picture of a labyrinth. It can be big or small, elaborate or simple. Just so the whole labyrinth is in the picture.  Then get some soothing music, instrumental and somewhat repetitive. Pachelbel’s Canon comes to mind, New Age music is also good, though any instrumental piece will do.

Lock the door, turn off the phone, start the music quietly, sit comfortably at a table, try to make sure you won’t be disturbed.

Relax and sit with the labyrinth in front of you. Look at it, and form your intent. Or just relax and go into a meditative state.

When you are ready, trace the path of the labyrinth with your finger. Visualize yourself walking in the labyrinth, going around and around, making your way toward the center.

When you arrive at the center, stop and look around yourself, see what is there. Be open to visions, messages, communication from beyond. Let what will happen, happen.

When you are finished, thank the Goddess and God for what you have received.

Then trace your way back out of the labyrinth. When you have reached the exit, take a deep breath, ground and center yourself in the here and now.

Turn the music off, and write down what you learned. Then go and do something mundane, wash the dishes, clean your place, go out for takeout.

Have a Blessed Samhain!